I love having scones for breakfast or with iced coffee in the afternoon! This quick recipe can be baked the same day as you make the dough, or you can refrigerate it overnight for a quick breakfast or freeze it and bake it later. If you don’t have any berries feel free to add raisins, chocolate chips, diced fruit, or dried fruits. If you make this recipe let me know which add-on you used!
Makes: 8 scones Prep time: 15/25 mins Cook time: 20 mins Total time: 45 mins
¾ cups whole wheat flour
½ cup oats
1 tbsp coconut sugar
⅛ tsp salt
2 tbsp cold butter butter
½ cup yogurt
1 cup chopped fruits. I used apricots and frozen raspberries
Prepare a baking sheet with parchment paper
Preheat the oven at 375
In a mixing bowl whisk the dry ingredients
With your fingers or a fork incorporate the butter to the dry ingredients until the mixture is crumbly
Add the yogurt, mix
Toss the berries or diced fruit into the mixture
Work the dough as little as possible, mess and crumbles around the dough are a good sign
Scrape the dough into a floured work surface
With your floured hands gently form a ball and flatten, forming a circle
Sprinkle some oatmeal on top
Cut into 8 wedges
Transfer to the baking sheet
Bake at 375 for about 20 mins or until you get a golden brown color
Let it to cool down before eating
I like drizzling some honey on top of the scone
This is a great recipe to make the night before and bake in the morning. When you are making this recipe do not knead too much, just mix as much as necessary. If you are going to freeze them: place them on a tray or plate in the freezer, when they are hard you can transfer them to a ziploc bag or the container you like and back to the freezer. You can bake them frozen.